Step into the Reimagine Ministry at Marilyn Mars Ministries of Restoration. We believe in your ability to reimagine yourself. Here, REIMAGINE THE REAL YOU: is all about YOU imagining again or anew; being able to form a new conception of yourself personally and spiritually.
This is an inviting and sacred place created just for you. If you are a pastor, church leader or anyone who is seeking support, inspiration, guidance and practical wisdom on how to reimagine yourself with guidance from the Word of God, this is the place for you.
Here we empower you to remember who you are. That your potential is not fixed, you have unlimited possibilities to evolve into your divine design, initiate your personal and spiritual transformation, and gain connection to The Most High.
Can you reimagine living all areas of your life in harmony, peace, prosperity, joy, freedom and with fulfillment in your soul?
If you answer is yes; you belong here, and we can’t wait to see your transformation to freedom and restoration.
Peace, love and much blessings.
Reverend Marilyn Mars.
“You are the cup, and when you continue to put others first and take care of everyone but yourself, you’ll find yourself much like an empty cup with nothing left inside to give” – When you have not taken care of yourself, you definitely cannot help others to the fullest of your ability.
Knowing how God thinks about you is so very important in understanding who you really are. This knowledge will not only inspire you to think and live differently but it will also give you a boost of confidence to become and embrace your divine design of your Creator.
1. God sees you as valuable
- I created you, and breath life into your nostrils (Genesis 2:7)
- I created you in my image (Genesis 1:27)
- My eyes saw your unformed body in the womb (Psalm 139:16)
- I put you together in your mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13)
- I know the amount of hair on your head, and before you can speak I know what you will say (Matthew 10:30; Psalm 139:14)
- I made you an uniquely made individual, with no duplicate (Psalms 139:14)
- I have given you dominion over all the birds, beasts, fish etc. that I have created (Genesis1:26,28)
- I have crowned you with my glory and my honor (Psalm 8:5;Genesis 1:26)
2. God see you as worthy and has given you His spirit
- I have given you my spirit, the Holy Spirit, to be with you an in you ( Zechariah 4:6; Romans 5:5; John 14:17)
- My spirit will guide you and guarantee that you will come into all truth about me and yourself, so as to help you to obey me and to empower you to do the work that i have ordained you to do for me (John 16:7,13; Acts 1:8; Galatians 5:16)
3. God sees you living a happy productive life
- I want to give you have a new life in me, and I will wipe away all tears of sadness from your eyes, no more mourning, weeping and pain, for I am watching over you (Revelation 21:3-4}
- I will cause you to drink from the waters of life freely, wisdom, knowledge and understanding on how to govern your life shall be given to you freely, (Revelation 21:6)
- I will ensure that you have peace as you continue to trust in me and my promises to you and lean not unto your own understanding. I want you to inherit the Kingdom that I have prepared for you. (Hebrews 4:9-11; Matthew 25:34; Psalm 16:11)
4. God see you as His representative on earth
- I know you can walk worthy of your calling (Ephesians 4:1)
- I have set you free, you are no longer a child of darkness (unrighteousness), but a child of the light (righteousness), so I want you to walk as children of the light. (Ephesians 5:8)
- I see you as the light of the world because through your demonstration of who I am others will see my glory and be drawn unto me (Matthew 5:14)
- I have called you, I have chosen you to represent me, to be my ambassador, to be my witness on earth (2 Peter 1:3; Revelation 17:4; 2 Corinthians 5:20; Acts 1:8; Ephesians 2:10)
- I see you as a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven, having bona fide rights and title to the resources of heaven, ask and it shall be given, seek and you shall find and knock and the door will be open unto you.(Philippians 3:20)
- I see you as a Saint, a Servant, a Steward and a Soldier, brave, courageous and victorious (Revelation 1:7; Acts 26:16; 1 Peter 4:10; 2 Timothy 2:3; 1 Corinthians 15:57)
The unveiling of God will only take place within you when you realize that it is the I Am, which the presence of God within you, and begin to see God as He really is and give Him the honor and praises due to Him, by living a life in obedience and acknowledgement of his love and favor.
The fulfillment will only come in acceptance and unveiling of the spirit of God within you. Then and only then will be receptive to let the spirit of God teach you, feed you, inspire you and walk with you through every minute of every day, and never attempt to walk through even a minute alone.
You can re-imagine every area of your life.
The canvas is mine to paint, and the journey is an ever-evolving masterpiece.