Restoration: Spirit . Soul . Body
It is our opinion that in order for the process of Restoration to be really effective, focus should not only be made on the spiritual part of a person, as some may tend to believe, but focus must also be made on the soul (which comprises of the mind, emotions and the will) and body. Spirit, Body and Soul must harmonize.
Man is a three dimensional being, composed of spirit, body and Soul, so man is three parts. Man is made up of physical material, the body, that can be seen and touched, and which has to be nurtured, and cared for. He is also made up of immaterial aspects, which are intangible — this includes the soul, spirit, intellect, will, emotions, conscience, and so forth, which also has to be nurtured and taken care of. These immaterial characteristics exist beyond the physical lifespan of the human body and are therefore eternal. These immaterial aspects — the spirit, soul, heart, conscience, mind and emotions — make up the whole personality in man. The mind and spirit are the primary immaterial aspects of humanity, while the body is the physical container that holds them on this earth.
In all three dimensions of man there may be illnesses and disease, that will need aspects of healing and restoration. If the body is sick and diseased, the spirit nor the soul cannot properly function to its maximum. If the spirit is out of alignment, both the body and soul suffer. If the soul is all burden down with negations then indeed the body and spirit is affected.
It would be lopsided if in the process of Restoration we only attend to one part and leave out the others. Thus in order for Restoration to be complete and effective, and for man to be totally restored we are convinced at Reimagine at Marilyn Mars Ministries of Restoration that attention must be given to all three dimensions or parts of man that God in His wisdom has so wondrously created. All our ministries, information and articles are intended to do just that – bring RESTORATION to your whole being.
You are a Spirit (Your God Consciousness, Your Divinity)
You have a Soul (Your Emotions, Affections, Memories, Mind, Will)
You live in a Body (Your Physical World Consciousness)